Monday, 30 April 2012

statement of intent - double page spread

Statement of intent – double page spread
From my research (as pictured) I saw that the creator used 2 columns for the double page spread. There were two columns of text on the first page, to allow the reader to focus on the particular information, and the main image covered the next page to make I clear to the reader who the article is referring to. I chose to copy this layout as it was effective, due to the clear and structured appearance. I will stick to the typical conventions used in a double page such as; page numbers, image(s), title etc. - To make my double page identifiable and clear to the readers. At the top of the article, I will include a heading to make inform the reader what the article is about, I may use two colours to make it stand out. I will use a drop cap in my magazine, as it instantly engages the reader and makes it clear where the article begins. I will also use a conventional pull-out quote, placed within the information making a specific part of the interview stand out. I will use one image on my double page spread (similar to that in my research) as I will cover a whole page which would attract the reader’s attention straight away. The image will be of a current Pop artist, so it would evoke the interest of my target audience – young people with a love for Pop music. The story included in my double page spread, will be titled “Who wears the crown? Pop princess Kazimir” and the main image will have reference to her role as the ‘pop princess’ through props, for example, she may wear a tiara. The ‘pop princess’ I will use for my main image on my double page spread will be inspiring to the majority of my target audience, (if they are aware of whom she is) due to her rise from a working class background (which is the same intended class of my target audience) to a now upper-class lifestyle. The story will be captured and interviewed by my magazine company ‘Burst’. I will ensure the person interviewing her askes plenty of open questions to allow her to elaborate on her answers, this would initially keep the readers fully informed and interesting in the interview. The interview will be written with colloquial language, in order to appeal to my youthful, working class target audience, as it would reflect their restricted speech code, and would encourage them to read the article without becoming bored. I will use colours such as pink and purple, to reflect the vibrancy of the Pop genre and to compliment and continue my intended colour scheme throughout my magazine. Also, the pink and purple will relate to the concept of the article – ‘pop princess’ and will allow the article to look enticing and attractive to the readers. I will use a bold comic sans font for my title to stand out to my target audience, and to make it clear that is the title of the double page spread. The font of the interview question and answers included on the double page spread will be written in Times New Roman, to allow it to be easily read and to look rather professional. Also, the font size will be approximately size 12, to allow it to fit on the page without looking squashed on the page.

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